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Henry Van Dyke

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Mature people and immature people


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Deidré Wallace (4)

Update on addiction treatment centres

It would be fair of me to give an update after praising Castle Craig outside Edinburgh and Smarmore Clinic outside Ardee- to note that I have since found out that Smarmore Clinic are not the only drug treatment centre in Ireland who follow the same approach. I just found out that the Rutland Centre do also. There are other drug treatment centres in Ireland- I don't know much about them either but the same model the above have could be common across drug treatment centres. I just didn't get that treatment with a drugs counselor and psychiatrists in the public health service- admittedly I have never been on an inpatient drug centre treatment programme.

Along with the huge problems of alcohol and illegal drug addictions in Ireland the prevalence and growth of gambling and according to this article in The Irish Times today sex and porn addiction is worrying.

I have more to say about drug addiction from my own personal experience but I will leave it to future interviews I do on the subject like heretofore and post the podcasts links here. I generally feel more comfortable talking to recovering addicts and professionals in this sector in person and not over a blog. :) I would point to what Dr. M. Scott Peck said in Further Along The Road Less Travelled on addictions as worth being congnisant of though.


Margaret Mead

Umair Haque

Jack Kerouac (2)

Smarmore Clinic

To follow on from my post earlier today: I just found out that Castle Craig Rehab Centre outside Edinburgh have a clinic in Ireland now also which opened last year outside Ardee. Great to know! Unfortunately it is a private clinic, but hopefully and very likely they will encourage the Department of Health to invest in them so that they can take public health service patients or the Dept. of Health will invest in the same type of model in other places.

I have never been to a drug treatment centre but I have been to a lot of AA meetings and I believe that (in no particular order) a) alcoholism and all other serious addictions are mental illnesses/diseases b) I believe there is a higher power in the universe and c) and I believe the 12 step programme works.

One size does not fit all but I agree with and support this model.

I am interviewing Tony Duffin the Director of the Ana Liffey Drug Project in his office on Tuesday afternoon and hope to maybe interview someone Smarmore Clinic at some later stage also.